Tower of Tidings

December 2024 Newsletter

Poof, it’s December!  My one big concern about going on a journey that had me returning the week before Thanksgiving would be that I would not be ready for Advent!  I had done a lot of prep work before leaving, but I still feel way behind now that I am back.  It was a wonderful journey, and I am so glad I went, I learned so much.


             Now we all are embarking on a journey.  We don’t have to leave Owosso. . . Physically, we need to be open to the journey spiritually.  We are taking a journey to Bethlehem this December.  We get the preview on December 7th with our participation and observation of the Living Nativity right here at FUMC!  The sermon series for December is “On The Way To Bethlehem.”   Each week, we will visit a different town in the birth story of Jesus.  We begin in Rome, then we travel to Jerusalem, off to Nazareth, then Bethlehem, ending up in Persia.


Places shape us and they shape our stories as well, our hometowns, the high school we went to , the places we journey through, even if it is just a brief visit.  We are changed as their stories become part of ours.  As we focus on the places that shaped the path of Jesus’ birth, we learn more about why his life, ministry, and death became one of the most significant stories in human history.


Rome’s occupation shaped the context of the lives of those whom Jesus championed and to whom he gave hope.  Jerusalem’s religious practices shaped an alternative vision of the new Jerusalem–a place of peace–that Jesus would teach.  Nazareth’s simple and interdependent nature shaped Jesus’ relationships and the joy of community.  And Bethlehem’s history connects the spirt of generosity in ways that underscore the gospel of love we have inherited.


 Each week, we will journey to these places on our way to Bethlehem.  Each place held a significant event that leads us ultimately to a stable in a manger.  There will be road markers to point us in the right direction.


My hope is that at each stop on the journey you will pause, take the place and the story in and feel the Holy One also guiding you.  There are daily devotionals to help you along the way, should you choose to take one.  Small groups will meet Sundays at 5:00 pm and Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.  The study follows the book by Rev. Rob Fuquay titled “On The Way to Bethlehem” and you may purchase a copy from the church for $13.00.


I am looking forward to journeying with you.  This will be my first Living Nativity, so I am very excited!  There was a great spirit present as we put the buildings together.  What a wonder-filled, wonderful time to be on this journey that will ultimately lead us to where the Savior of the world is wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger.


May your Advent Journey be filled with wonder and blessings.



   Pastor Mona